We are both delighted and saddened to announce the retirement of professor emeritus and senior lecturer Larry Meiller! Larry joined the Department of Life Sciences Communication (formerly Agricultural Journalism) in 1967 as a graduate student. …
Larry Meiller
LSC’s Larry Meiller inducted in the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Hall of Fame
LSC is excited to announce that LSC professor emeritus and senior lecturer Larry Meiller was inducted into the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Hall of Fame on Thursday, June 15, 2017. Larry’s on-air career has spanned 50 years and he continues …
Life On the Air: An Interview With Larry Meiller
In 1967, Larry Meiller was in his final semester of college to graduate as a meat and animal sciences major when he decided to take a radio class in the Department of Agricultural Journalism, now …
LSC 360 students produce radio segments for WSUM 91.7 FM
Feature segments produced by LSC students will air on UW-Madison’s student radio station WSUM 91.7FM the week of May 20th. The segments, each around nine minutes long, were produced as group projects by students enrolled in Larry …