LSC was once again well represented at this year’s International Communication Associate (ICA) Conference held in Toronto, Canada! From mentoring workshops at the pre-conference, to multiple research paper presentations in the main program, LSC’s team of science communication researchers clearly established our program as the leader in science communication. Moreover, we want to give a special shoutout to Freiling et al. (2023), for being awarded “Mass Communication Division Top Papers,” further highlighting the excellence of LSC’s contributions at the ICA conference. The ICA Conference is the largest and most prominent communication conference in our discipline, with over 3,700 in-person and virtual attendees – and this Toronto conference was the 73rd convention of ICA.
Four LSC faculty members and one LSC Ph.D. candidate presented at this year’s conference in Toronto. Faculty included Dominique Brossard, Kaiping Chen, Sedona Chinn, and Dietram Scheufele. Mikhaila Calice, a Ph.D. candidate in the LSC department, also presented her research at ICA. Every scholar benefited from department funding for travel and presented on different topics related to their research.
A list of LSC contributions and their authors is below:
ICA pre-conference mentoring workshop: Environmental Communication Division
Panelist: Dominique Brossard
BLUE SKY SECAC SKILLS WORKSHOP: De-Mystifying Peer Review Process in Scholarly Publications: How to Become Reviewer 1 and How to Face Reviewer 2.
Panelist: Kaiping Chen
Communication Law & Policy Division:
Bao, L., Calice, M. N., & Brossard, D. (2023, May 28). AI scientists’ perspectives on who should have a say in AI regulation development [Conference presentation].
Communication & Technology Division:
Hawkins, I., Mede, N. G., & Chinn, S. (2023, May 29). How use of alternative and mainstream social media promote conspiracy beliefs and fake news sharing [Conference presentation].
Computational Methods Division:
Video-as-data in computational communication: Toward a mixed-method pathway.
Chair: Kaiping Chen
Chen, K. (May 26, 2023). Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Report for Computational Communication [Computational Methods Division Business Meeting].
Chen, K., Lu, Y., & Zou. S. (May 27, 2023). TikToking vaccine nationalism: Examining COVID-vaccine-themed videos on Douyin through a mixed-method analysis [Conference presentation].
Duan, Z., Yang, S., Shao, A., Chen, K., Hu, Y., Suh, Y., Kim, J., & Lee, H. (May 29, 2023). VecOpt: Development of a word embedding-based optimization approach to extracting moral appeals [High-density paper presentation].
Environmental Communication Division:
Environmental Communication Research Escalator
Mentor: Sedona Chinn
Calice, M. N., & Brossard, D. (2023, May 29). The local energy transition: Stakeholders perspectives on community energy management in Wisconsin, USA [High-density paper presentation].
Health Communication Division:
Hybrid panel: Effects of Communication about Food and Nutrition
Chair: Sedona Chinn
Chinn, S., & Jia, X. (2023, May 27). Message factors and engagement with accurate and inaccurate information from nutrition influencers on Instagram [High-density paper presentation].
*Meng, J., Qin, J., Chen, A., Shen, C., Chen, K., & Zhang, J. (May 27, 2023). Temporal collective legitimacy of support seeking and received social support on social media during a public health crisis [Poster Session].
*Meng et al. (2023) received the “Best Faculty Poster Award” in the Health Communication Division.
Mass Communication Division
*Freiling, I., Villaneuva, I. I., & Scheufele, D. A. (2023, May 26). (Meta) Theorizing public spheres in an era of preference-based media effects [Paper presentation].
Wang, Y., Shen, L., Lang, O., & Chen, K. (May 28, 2023). How intergroup (de)threats messages affect the public’s ability to identify conspiracy theories: Evidence from an experiment on U.S. populations in the context of Sino-US relations [Conference presentation].
*Freiling et al. (2023) was awarded for “Mass Communication Division Top Papers.”
Written by: Jocelyn Cao, LSC M.S. ’23
Published: May 2023