The Pyle Center was buzzing with excitement this past Thursday, April 27, 2023, as proud parents and donors watched exceptional Life Sciences Communication (LSC) students receive scholarship awards for the next academic year. Held annually, the LSC scholarship and donor recognition reception highlights the department’s exemplary students, generous donors, and departmental accomplishments from the 2022-2023 academic year. Larry Meiller, a professor emeritus in LSC, was the emcee of the reception.
This year, LSC affiliates, partners, and donors awarded 20 students with scholarships – all of which will increase student success and help them achieve their goals. These scholarships were created by alumni, previous faculty, and other friends of LSC and support students in a multitude of areas in science communication research and practice. At this year’s reception, LSC introduced two new scholarships: the Larry R. Meiller Scholarship Fund and the William and Cynthia Kennedy Family Scholarship.
Students attending this event were given the opportunity to connect with their donors, as well as share their stories. Upon receiving their awards, students highlighted what the award meant to them.
“This scholarship will be very impactful for the rest of my college career as it will help me pay for college, living expenses, and allows me to participate in many opportunities next year,” said Natalie Roe, a current sophomore and the recipient of the J.W. Watt Agricultural Journalism memorial scholarship. “Specifically, this scholarship will help me get into a unique study abroad program in the Netherlands, where I hope to learn more about dairy and communications of a different culture.”
“As a first-generation college student, any form of support is meaningful, and this recognition is a huge honor!” said Ashley Cate, LSC Ph.D. student and recipient of two scholarships: the Jean W. Fewster Scholarship and the Maurice E. and Grace Witter White Scholarship. “This scholarship will allow me the financial flexibility to attend conferences where I can share my research and dedicate more time to professional development and service opportunities.”
One of the key subjects of the night was how a degree in LSC prepares students for success post-graduation. This point was highlighted by the keynote speaker, Sara Yeo, who graduated with her Ph.D. in 2014. In her speech, Sara detailed how LSC’s unique curriculum, supportive faculty and innovative research interests helped her discover a field and career path. Sara, who was once a recipient of the Nellie McCannon LSC scholarship, also highlighted how important donor support is for the department. Sara is now an associate professor at the University of Utah, and the faculty director for the university’s STEM ambassador program.
“To the scholarship recipients. I encourage you to make the most of your time here. You have the opportunity to earn a wealth of knowledge and experience in this department and have fun while doing it,” said Sara in her concluding remarks.
Lastly, “I would like to thank the donors. Thank you for your support of this department that has trained and launched so many to understand the important role of science in society,” says Dominique Brossard, LSC professor and chair.
2023-2024 Scholarships and Awardees
Robert Bjorklund LSC Scholarship – Madelyn Anderson, Eleyna Escobedo, Halei Heinzel, Chandler Wells
Lloyd & Genevieve Bostian Scholarship – Daniluz Schueller and Quinn Ruzicka
Farm Journal/Andy Weber Ag Media Awards – Mary Schrieber and Tess Wadsworth
Jean W. Fewster LSC Scholarship – Ashley Cate
Brian Howell Scholarship – Emma Roberts
William and Cynthia Kennedy Family Scholarship – Halei Heinzel
Lenore Landry LSC Internship – Sarah Matysiak
Frank Lessiter Ag Media Scholarship – Lauren Breunig
Nellie McCannon LSC Scholarship – Rosalie Powell
Larry R. Meiller Scholarship Fund – Britta Wellenstein
John E. and Elizabeth B. Ross Science Writing Scholarship – Hazel Wintermantel
Thomas P. and Gail G. Schomisch Scholarship – Olivia McDonald
Claire H. Sink Scholarship – Scott Hershberger
J. W. Watt Agricultural Journalism Memorial Scholarship – Natalie Roe
Maurice E. and Grace Witter White LSC Scholarship – Ashley Cate
Link to photos from this year’s reception.
Written by: Julia Wiessing, LSC B.S. ’23 and LSC’s 2022-2023 Lenore Landry Scholar
Published: May 2023