Doctoral student Dan Banda awarded Fulbright to teach in Romania

LSC doctoral student Dan Banda has been awarded a Fulbright Specialist 2012 summer appointment to the University of the West, Timisoara, Romania.  He will be working with the undergraduate and graduate students and faculty in the departments of English, History and Theology.

Banda will be presenting lectures, offering workshops and participating in a conference.  His multi-media work will include: urban culture in the United States, Multiculturalism in American society, literature, ethnic diversity and human rights.  The appointment made through the Department of State is made to enhance the quality of teaching and research, intercultural communication between the US and Romania, and, university relations.

Banda’s recent research and film, “A Road From Lubumbashi” about the connection between “conflict minerals” in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and US technology consumer habits, will be featured as part of his work this summer.

This is Banda’s second cross-cultural Fulbright appointment.  He previously worked with the Center for the Study of the Americas, Karl-Franzens-Universitat, Graz, Austria, 2008 and 2009.

Banda is currently a Ph.D. student in LSC and has a TA appointment with the English Department working in the Design Lab.