On August 3-6, LSC faculty and students will be presenting their research at the 105th Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference, which is being held in Detroit, MI. LSC is a proud sponsor of this year’s conference titled, “Focusing on the Future Together,” which will include presentations and poster sessions on a variety of topics from the world’s top communication scholars.
LSC is thrilled to highlight our two faculty members and seven students presenting at this year’s conference in Detroit. LSC faculty presenting at AEJMC include Sedona Chinn and Dietram Scheufele. Student presenters include Mikhaila Calice, Nicole Krause, Lindsey Middleton, Amanda Molder, Anqi Shao, and Shiyu Yang. LSC Ph.D. student, Isabel Villanueva will also be attending the conference as she was selected as an AEJMC Diversity and Inclusion Career Development Fellow by the AEJMC Committee on Career Development! Additionally, every scholar attending will benefit from department funding for travel to present on different topics related to their research.
If you are attending AEJMC 2022, be sure to check out presentations by our students and faculty! Details for their presentations are below, sorted by division:
Communication Science, Health, Environment and Risk (ComSHER) Division
Calice, M. & Molder, A. L. (2022, August 3). What do extreme weather events say about climate change? Comparing wildfire and hurricane news coverage. [Poster session].
Hasell, A., & Chinn, S. (2022, August 4). Divergent consequences of everyday social media uses on environmental concern and sustainability actions. [Poster session].
Middleton, L., Beets, B., Bao, L., Scheufele, D. A., Brossard, D., Feinstein, N. W., Heisler, L., Tangen, T., & Handelsman, J. (2022, August 3). Are universities walking the talk? Exploring what really drives scientists to engage with the public. [Poster session].
Middleton, L., Newman, T., & Cate, A. (2022, August 5). Basic and applied science engagement: A necessary distinction or just white noise? [Poster session].
Shao, A. & Xenos, M. (2022, August 3). Thematic and semantic shifts of human gene editing in news coverage through the CRISPR baby scandal. [Poster session.]
Shao, A., Chen, K., Johnson, B., Miranda, S., & Xing, Q. [2022, August 6]. Ubiquitous coverage, differentiated effects: Intermedia agenda setting and its effects in communicating protective behaviors to American adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Poster session].
Mass Communication & Society Division
Krause, N., Beets, B., Howell, E., Tosteson, H., Scheufele, D. A. (2022, August 5). Debunking misinformation to fight the COVID-19 infodemic can do collateral damage to other science attitudes. [Poster session].
Molder, A. L., Howell, E., DeSalazar, M., Kirschner, E., Goodwin, S., & Scheufele, D. A. (2022, August 3). Race, gender, and credentials as credibility cues? Communicating about emerging science across diverse audiences. [Poster session].
Yang, S., Li, N., Brossard, D., Barolo Gargiulo, L. (2022, August 4). Using visual narratives to mitigate the gap in racial groups’ understanding of COVID-19 vaccine safety. [Paper session].
Minorities and Communication Division
Li, N., Brossard, D., Yang, S., Barolo Gargiulo, L. (2022, August 3). Disseminating science to underserved audiences through (drawn) visual narratives. [Poster session].
Author: Jocelyn Cao, LSC M.S. ’23
Published: July 2022