LSC students present at UW Advanced Materials Industrial Consortium annual meeting

LSC doctoral students Ashley Anderson, Jiyoun Kim and Xuan Liang participated in the UW Advanced Materials Industrial Consortium Annual Meeting, held for industry guests on October 26 and 27 at the Engineering Center Building on the UW-Madison campus.

The consortium gives industry the opportunity to learn about the latest materials research conducted on campus, while facilitating technology and knowledge exchange.

Anderson, Kim and Liang presented three papers: “The effects of disagreement in online comments on support for science,” “How individuals process scientific messages: The role of language in interpreting nano messages” and “The effect of perceived online disagreement on strength of opinion about nanotechnology.”

Anderson, Kim and Liang are members of a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded research group, “Societal Implications of Nanotechnology,” in the Department of Life Sciences Communication.

The meeting was hosted by the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center on Templated Synthesis and Assembly at the Nanoscale (NSEC) and the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center on Structured Interfaces (MRSEC).