Select Publications CRISPR is easy: Exposure to Last Week Tonight enhances knowledge about gene editingThreatening experts: Correlates of viewing scientists as a social threatPromoting small-scale maple syrup production on Facebook: A field experiment testing emphasis message framesConversational AI and equity through assessing GPT-3’s communication with diverseWhen Science Meets Art on Instagram: Examining the Effects of Visual Art on Emotions, Interest, and Social Media EngagementSocietal guardrails for AI? Perspectives on what we know about public opinion on artificial intelligenceHow institutional factors at US land-grant universities impact scientists’ public scholarship.Surveying public perceptions of artificial intelligence in health care in the United States: Systematic review.When national identity meets conspiracies: the contagion of national identity language in public engagement and discourse about COVID-19 conspiracy theories.Climate change consensus messages cause reactance.Older posts More