LSC courses to move online in lieu of UW-Madison’s COVID-19 response

Dear LSC Community,

On March 17th, Chancellor Blank released information surrounding various changes to UW-Madison campus operations due to COVID-19. All UW-Madison courses will shift to alternate delivery of courses from March 23 through the end of the spring semester, including final exams. In light of these events, LSC faculty, instructors, staff, and Teaching Assistants have been hard at work organizing remote teaching starting this coming Monday. Students, please keep an eye on your emails for information regarding the future delivery of your LSC course, you will receive information about instruction as plans are completed by your instructors.

Now more than ever we all need to be willing to adapt and be flexible. We know this isn’t how many of you anticipated how this semester would go. For some of you, this is your last semester with us and for others, it might be the start of your LSC journey. Regardless of what is going on in your life and the world, know that LSC is here for you. Everyone at LSC is available via email, phone, video calls during regular business hours. Please reach out to any of us if you anticipate any difficulties adjusting to the new format of the rest of the semester (

To continue staying update on UW-Madison’s plans and response to COVID-19 see:

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay positive.


Professor and Chair