Welcome back to campus! Today marks the start of the spring 2020 semester and we are excited to have students, faculty, and staff back at UW-Madison. We hope this break provided everyone a chance to relax and come back to campus feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on a new semester.
This semester may be the first for some LSC students and the last for many of our seniors. But for all, the new semester brings a variety of exciting opportunities.
Over the next fifteen weeks, LSC students will explore the theory and practice of subjects at the forefront of science communication. Some students will create multimedia projects, learn the practical insights to social media, and design original websites. Other students will produce professional-grade audio projects, translate data into reports for both expert and lay audiences, and work on manuscripts that may be published in academic journals.
We have many exciting classes and projects going on this spring in LSC and we hope to see students from across the department involved.

This semester specifically, LSC has joined UW-Madison’s dedication to the Our Shared Future Heritage Grant which focus campus attention on the history and traditions of the Ho-Chunk, the indigenous people whose ancestral homeland includes Teejop (Four Lakes) where the UW-Madison now exists. As a part of the grant, LSC will offer events and programs within our classes to deepen the understanding of the Ho-Chunk Nation and indigenous populations across Indian country. Stay tuned for more information about the events!
Outside the classroom, LSC and UW-Madison offer many avenues for students to get involved, including research, volunteering, student organizations, and other community outreach events. Your education and time on campus are what you make of it. Don’t be afraid to try something new! Join a club or student group you are interested in, apply for an internship or job, or attend a different department’s seminar series. The possibilities are endless.
We wish all students the best of luck! To stay up to date on the latest LSC happenings, follow our social media accounts, including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.