Exciting lineup for LSC’s 2019 Science Communication Colloquium

Mark your calendars: LSC’s science communication colloquium is taking place this spring and will once again bring acclaimed speakers to the UW-Madison campus. Attendees of the colloquium will hear from experts in science communication, film and documentary production, science and technology studies, science policy, and new information technologies, among other interesting areas.

The colloquium takes place each Wednesday from 12:05 to 1 p.m. in 135 Hiram Smith Hall. All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend. This semester the colloquium is organized by LSC chair Dominique Brossard. You can find a list of this year’s speakers below and click on their names for more information about them.

Follow @UW_LSC or #uwlsc700 on Twitter for live tweets from the talks.

Interested but can’t make it to the colloquium? Check back after each week and a link by the speaker’s names will take you to a video of their talk.

Speaker Schedule:

Week 1, 01/23: – Introduction –

Week 2, 01/30: Dietram Scheufele – John E. Ross Professor, Department of Life Sciences Communication, UW-Madison. Publics, Politics, and the Future of Genome Editing.” 

Week 3, 02/06: Laura Heisler – Director of Programming, Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, UW-Madison. “Discovery Outreach: Giving shape to specific publics and types of engagement through multi-faceted program platforms.”

Week 4, 02/13: Kate Rose – Doctoral student, Department of Life Sciences Communication, UW-Madison & Emily Howell – Doctoral student, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies; LSC affiliate, UW-Madison 

Week 5, 02/20: Mike Xenos – Affiliate Professor, Department of Life Sciences Communication and Professor, Department of Communication Arts, UW-Madison

Week 6, 02/27: Elliot Kirschner – Journalist and Documentary Filmmaker, Producer, iBiology and Developer and Producer, News and Guts. Reinventing Science Filmmaking.”

Week 7, 03/06: Todd Newman – Assistant Professor, Department of Life Sciences Communication, UW-Madison

Week 8, 03/13: Kendall Moore – Professor, Departments of Journalism and Film Media, University of Rhode Island. Science Communication: Can We Use Film as a Tool to Help Decolonize Science?

Week 9, 03/20:  Spring Break –

Week 10, 03/27: Edy MacDonald – Manager of Social Science in the Department of Conservation of New Zealand and Adjunct Research Fellow, Victoria University of Wellington

Week 11, 04/03: Cathy Techtmann – Environmental Outreach State Specialist, UW-Extension. “Using Interpretation to Make Science Come Alive!” 

Week 12, 04/10: Adam Levine – Associate Professor, Department of Government, Cornell University. “Starting New Conversations: Field Experiment on Expanding the Impact of Social Science.

Week 13, 04/17: Anthony Dudo – Associate Professor, Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations, University of Texas at Austin. Training Scientists to Communicate.”

Week 14, 04/24: Matthew Nisbet – Professor of Communication Studies and Affiliate Professor of Public Policy and Urban Affairs, Northeastern University. Confessions of a Framing Skeptic (and Why I Deleted My Social Media Accounts).”

Week 15, 05/01: – Semester Review –

Need help finding LSC? Here’s an interactive map with directions to our building Hiram Smith Hall: