With the start of the semester, many students are now on the job market for the first time or they are starting the last semester of their undergraduate careers. Searching for a job can sometimes seem like a daunting task, but students can take solace in the promising job outlook for agriculture related fields.
“LSC majors know how prepared they are for their career choices in communicating science – they understand research methods so they can stay current and most importantly they understand audiences and what attracts them across digital platforms. This confidence results in better job interviews, and ultimately in great jobs” notes LSC professor and director of undergraduate studies, Shiela Reaves.
The recently released 2015/2016 Entry-level Job Report for Recent Graduates in Agriculture and Related Disciplines provides insight into the number of graduates and starting salaries for those graduating from colleges in agriculture and life sciences. The report shows that although overall entry-level salaries have stayed relatively constant, the number of entry-level positions is on the rise.
“At LSC, we take pride in preparing students for innovative communication related jobs in the life sciences and beyond- and this makes them particularly well suited for the current job market,” stresses LSC chair Dominique Brossard.
Agriculture education and communications had an average entry-level salary of $41,079, making it one of the highest earning sectors highlighted in the report. Moreover, the number of entry-level positions in ag education and communication related fields increased by 27% from 2014/2015.
The full report can be found at https://www.career.cals.iastate.edu/placement-salary-and-internship-information.