Sara Yeo, a recent Ph.D. graduate from LSC, will be joining the Department of Communication at the University of Utah as Assistant Professor of Science and Environmental Communication in the fall. As she transitions into her new position, Sara reflects on how her time in LSC has prepared her for her new role.
“The academic training I have received in this department has more than adequately prepared me for my new job. My position in the Department of Communication is affiliated with the Global Change and Sustainability Center, which brings scientists from the social and life sciences together in a collaborative environment. I already have such experiences through LSC as I have conducted interdisciplinary research with scientists from a broad range of disciplines, ranging from engineers to climate scientists,” says Yeo.
Against this bridging of disciplines, she has received rigorous training in communication theory and methods. Participating in the Science, Media, and the Public (SCIMEP) research group has inspired her to start her own group and continue to collaborate with researchers in LSC. She continues to work with former LSC colleagues, many of whom are now faculty members at other universities.
In the fall, Yeo will be teaching quantitative research methods and a communication campaigns course. “My experiences as a teaching assistant and graduate student in LSC and other UW-Madison departments have well prepared me for these duties and I have adapted assignments and lectures from my time at UW-Madison for my own teaching purposes,” says Yeo.
If you would like to learn more about Sara’s extensive array of work, please visit her website and follow her on Google Scholar and Twitter.