Doctoral candidate James Spartz on merits of nanocellulose research in Chemical & Industry Magazine

LSC doctoral candidate James Spartz leads a double life. While working on a dissertation project investigating public perceptions and opinion leadership around bioenergy issues in Southwest Wisconsin he also finds time to log hours as a public affairs specialist and science writer for the US Forest Service’s Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) in Madison.

Spartz recently co-authored a piece with FPL assistant director Ted Wegner for Chemical & Industry Magazine, a Society of Chemical Industry journal based in the UK, on the merits of nanocellulose research.

The article was featured in the July, 2012, issue. The feature describes the potential for wood-derived nanomaterials to benefit the pulp and paper industry, for use in national defense applications such as ballistic glass, and in other industries such as automobiles, aviation, pharmaceuticals, and consumer electronic devices.

The article is available here. You can follow Spartz’s work at his blog The Topophilian or on Twitter at @JTspartz.