lsc student taylor fritsch shares his experiences interning at the national swine registry

LSC undergraduate student Taylor Fritsch is interning at the National Swine Registry this summer in West Lafayette, Indiana. Fristch has been busy helping to prepare the Registry’s pig shows and assignments for its magazine, Seedstock EDGE. He was kind enough to share some of his experiences so far this summer with us back at Hiram Smith Hall via email.

What appealed to you about interning with them and how did you get assigned to blogging? 

“The National Swine Registry is the joint breed association for four major breeds of pigs in the United States. In addition to issuing pedigrees, or records of an animal’s lineage, we provide a variety of services to purebred swine breeders across the U.S, such as global marketing, genetic testing, shows and sales.

As an intern for the marketing & communications division, I assist with a variety of tasks related to communicating the work of our organization and assisting our breeders with the marketing of their animals. Writing the “Industry Insights” column for the NSR blog is one of several assignments I have here at NSR. I also write and assist with page design for our organization’s magazine, Seedstock EDGE, published nine times annually, take photos, edit video and create content for social media.

I became interested in this internship because it allows me to combine two of my passions.  I grew up showing pigs in Wisconsin through 4-H and FFA, so this internship has allowed me to apply my communications skills in an area of agriculture that I’m particularly passionate about.”

How is the experience going so far and how are you applying what you’ve learned in LSC and CALS in the “real world”? 

“So far, the experience I’ve had has been great. I’ve been welcomed by a creative, talented, energetic group of staff committed to constantly improving NSR communications. My first feature story for the magazine will come out in the July issue, and I have just started work on my next story. A part of the job that I’ve really enjoyed has been interacting with breeders who advertise in our magazine, serve as sources for our editorial content, or come into contact with us at our pig shows. That experience should be valuable as I move forward with my education and career.

I’ve applied a lot of the skills I’ve learned in CALS and LSC in my work at NSR. The project-based, applied approach taken by many instructors in LSC has helped me ease the transition into the workplace.”

How do you feel the opportunity to intern with the National Swine Registry this summer will inform your involvement on campus in the fall and your longer-term professional development? 

“Internships or similar experiences are extremely important for young professionals as they obtain their education. On-the-job experiences can complement the knowledge and education you get in the university setting and make you more aptly prepared for a career. Internships can also vastly expand a student’s network of industry connections. I know that many of the skills I’ve learned in LSC have transferred to my work here at NSR, and I know that I will take many of the experiences and skills I’ve learned here back to Madison this fall.”
You can read Fritsch’s latest blog post here on the 150th anniversary of the Morrill Act and follow him on Twitter at @taylorfritsch.

The National Swine Registry works to “lead the development and implementation of programs and services to enhance the value and influence of U.S. Duroc, Hampshire, Landrace, and Yorkshire swine within all segments of the global purebred industry.”