LSC 990 Policy
LSC 990 policy
File: LSC-990-Thesis-Enrollment-Limit-Policy.pdfLSC 990 policy
File: LSC-990-Thesis-Enrollment-Limit-Policy.pdfSnapshot summary about the LSC undergraduate major with samples of what alumni do after graduation.
File: LSC-UG-Fact-Sheet-Final-1.pdfLSC Leave of Absence Policy
File: LSC-Leave-of-Absence-Policy.pdfThe Department of Life Sciences Communication (LSC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison seeks a year-long Postdoctoral Fellow who will contribute to research and teaching in the science of science communication, with a starting date of September 1st, 2019.
For more information and instructions on how to apply please open the document above.
New student checklist